Saturday, August 31, 2019

Methods and Techniques Required to Produce Mayonnaise

Making mayonnaise Abtract A combination of oil, water, egg yolk, and stabilizers was combined in an effort to produce mayonnaise. The final emulsion was a result of a trial and error process to perfect the timing and order of the addition of ingredients. The procedure was only attempted once. It was concluded that adding the oil slowly to the egg yolk and adding the stabilizers at the end would produce a mayonnaise similar to manufactured mayonnaise. Introduction The purpose of this experiment is to determine the methods and techniques equired to produce mayonnaise.Mayonnaise is an emulsion, which means that it is a stable combination of two liquids that are immiscible. They key to this concept is that the combination must be stable. Water and oil, for example, do not combine to form an emulsion because of hydrogen bonds that form between each other in water molecules. These bonds prevent oil molecules from getting in. In order to create an emulsion, an emulsifier must be added to th e combination. An emulsifier is a compound that stabilizes emulsions.These emulsifiers, which are also often added to soap, have long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms with a hydrophilic (water loving) and hydrophobic (water fearing) ends. This allows them to form a stable bridge between the hydrophilic water and the hydrophobic oil. Lecithin, a phospholipid with a hydrophobic head and two hydrophobic tails found in egg yolks, is one example of how emulsifiers can take shape. This is relevant to the production of mayonnaise because mayonnaise is an emulsion legally defined as including â€Å"65% il and egg yolk†.The emulsifying agent in mayonnaise is the egg yolk, which is an emulsion of it's own with †48% water, †16% proteins, †10% lecithin and †13% fats and cholesterol. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and various other proteins can be found in the yolk. HDL particles require an extra boost to improve their ability to act as an emulsifier because their particles are too large to coat the oil droplets without being separated from another.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Resource Identification

Learning is a process that can be difficult or easy, depending on two main variables; the student and the available resources. These resources determine the learning curve of the student. Even if the student is intelligent and the learning tools are not sufficient, things may become difficult. Students should be able to get help whenever a difficult situation arrives. Easy access to these tools is key component for the success of students. The most beneficial resources are detailed in this paper. APA Information and Samples. The first and one of the most beneficial resources available is the APA Information and Samples section in the Center of Writing Excellence (Apollo Group Inc, 2008). The APA Sample Paper is an excellent guide for students who need information on how to format their paper. This sample paper can prove useful when students are in the process of writing their paper and want to find out how to format according to APA, how to use citations and how to provide references. The APA Reference and Citations document illustrates â€Å"in-text citations and references for books† (Apollo Group Inc, 2008) and other sources. Citation examples are readily available for reference. Before starting a paper, students are encouraged to use the ‘APA Title Page Template’. The template is properly formatted and students can get started immediately. All these APA resources can prove to be very helpful. Center for Writing Excellence A large variety of tools are provided to students in order to improve their writing skills. Some of these tools are new features that are designed to be used repeatedly. ‘My Papers’ is a place where reviewed papers are stored for students. The following four resources are the primary features of ‘Center of Writing Excellence’. WritePointSM. WritePoint is a tool that finds grammar mistakes and provides feedback by â€Å"inserting comments into the text of a paper† (Apollo Group Inc, 2008) where required. This greatly reduces the chances of committing grammatical errors. This tool is very easy to use and has very short return time. Students can submit multiple drafts until they are satisfied with the result. Tutor Review. Tutor review is a much more comprehensive tool that is used to obtain feedback on â€Å"format, grammar, organization, punctuation, and usage† (Apollo Group Inc, 2008) of the submitted paper. This service has a longer return time and is used near the start or middle of the study week. Students can use this feature to improve their writing. Plagiarism Checker is by far the most important tool in eliminating ‘Accidental Plagiarism’. It points out necessary adjustments to â€Å"citations and quotation marks using APA format or rewrite their papers using original material† (Apollo Group Inc, 2008). Students should use this tool at least once before submitting the paper. Tutorials and Guides. â€Å"The Tutorials and Guides section is designed to help students improve grammar and writing skills† (Apollo Group Inc, 2008). The main resources include tutorials for Grammar, Plagiarism and English Language Learners (Apollo Group Inc, 2008). The use of these resources in combination with WritePoint and Tutor review helps students obtain greater insight on writing at graduate level. Students should use these resources whenever they get a chance. University Library Meritus University has excellent resources under the library section. The search tool provided is powerful and when used correctly, it can give large number of hits. It provides the convenience of doing research from the comfort of own study room. eBooks The eBooks section contains a wide range of textbooks that students can access anytime for reference. These eBooks can prove to be helpful for students who need to roam outside the course material to find what they are looking for. Classroom. All the information required for the course is under the materials tab. The Main folder under the discussion tab is important for sharing ideas, working together and feedback from the instructor. The whole classroom experience is very interactive. Conclusion The above mentioned resources are designed to make the learning process easier. Students would use these resources whenever they require quick help without going to the instructor or classmates. With sufficient practice these tools can prove to be very useful. References Apollo Group Inc. (2008). Grammar and Writing Guides. Retrieved August 2, 2009, from Meritus University. (2009). Center for Writing Excellences. Retrieved August 2, 2009, from Meritus University. (2009). University Library Home Page. Retrieved August 2, 2009, from Meritus University. (2009). eBook Collection. Retrieved August 2, 2009, from Meritus University. (2009). Integrated Classroom. Retrieved August 2, 2009, from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Backbiting in Islam

Backbiting, according to Oxford Dictionary is â€Å"Malicious talk about someone who is not present. † It originated from the improper attack from the back in the sport of bearbaiting(1). The word in Arabic is pronounced as â€Å"Ghibah. † Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) defined Gibah as â€Å"Your mentioning your brother with something about him that he dislikes. † Islam considers backbiting as one of the major sins that a muslim person must not commit (2). This paper will cover reasons why it is prohibited, causes, backbiting non muslims, cure, and cases in which backbiting is permissible. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) once said, to signify the wrongfulness of backbiting: â€Å"Whoever backbites a Muslim spoils his fasts and breaks his wudu, and shall come on the Day of Resurrection with his mouths stench more putrid than a carcass If he dies before repenting, his death is like that of one who dies while considering permissible that which is prohibited by God (3). † There are two main reasons why Islam prohibits backbiting: 1. Islam prohibits backbiting because it emphasizes on protecting peoples rights and feelings. Gibah could violates peoples rights and hurt their feelings; therefore, it is a serious sin. 2. Because of the fact that it is easy to commit, people usually disregard it and might feel that it is insignificant (2). Listening to backbiting is also considered a sin and sometimes the listener might be considered as a sinner a well, being in the same position of the backbiter. The messenger (PBUH) said in regards to that that â€Å"the listener is one of the two backbiters. † A person could be more sinful if he expresses his interest in the backbiter’s talk. In other words, saying something like â€Å"wow,† â€Å"Astaghfirullah† or â€Å"I didn’t know he would do such a thing† means that the listener is encouraging the backbiter to add something more (3). Causes People backbite each other for plenty of reasons. Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali mentions in his book â€Å"Revival of Religious Sciences† several reasons why a person would backbite. One of the reasons is revenge, a person will gain satisfaction when he/she backbites someone since he avenged him or herself. Another reason is the influence of the people around the person. People sometimes feel pressured by their friends and sometimes the only way to fit in with the group is through participating in whatever that group is. Al-Ghazali also stated that some people have a desire to praise themselves through belittling others. In the same way, someone might bad-mouth another person out of jealousy (4). Joking and mockery is also a reason why people would backbite,and in regards to that Allah says in the Quran â€Å"O you who have believed, neither should men mock other men, it may be that these are better than they; nor should women mock other women, it may be that these are better than they It is an evil thing to be called by a bad name after faith. Those who fail to avoid this are wrongdoers.. † (Surah Al-Hujurat 49:11). Backbiting Non-Muslims It is generally discouraged in Islam because one characteristic of a good muslim is not to speak rudely or bad-mouth people. The prophet (PBUH) said: â€Å"The Muslim does not slander, curse, speak obscenely or speak rudely. †. However, Islam has a detailed ruling on backbiting the non-muslims. It can be divided into two cases or scenarios. The first type of backbiting non-muslims is one in which a person mentions the physical flaws of a another person such as having big ears or long nose. This is type is prohibited because your mockery of someone’s appearance is considered as if you’re making fun of Allah’s creation. The second of type of backbiting non-muslims is when you talk about his bad habits or behavior such as drinking alcohol or adultery. A lot of muslim scholars agree that there is nothing wrong with that if your intention is to warn people against him (5). Some muslim scholars talked about more specific cases regarding the backbiting of non-muslims. Zakaryia Al-Ansari, a leading Islamic scholar of the 15th century, said that it is prohibited backbite the non-muslim if he is dhimmi. 1 His reasoning is that it will put him off from accepting jizyah. 2 He backs up his reasoning by mentioning the Hadith of the prophet (PBUH) in which he said â€Å"Whoever makes a snide comment to a dhimmi has earned Hell. † Imam Al-Ghazali said that backbiting the dhimmi is forbidden because he is like the muslim â€Å"as far as not harming him is concerned. If the non-muslim is a harbi3, Al-Ansari said that it is permissible to backbite a harbi and he backs it by mentioning what happened when the messenger (PBUH) used to command one of his companions to satirize the mushrikeen4(5). Cases Where Backbiting is Permissible For every rule in Islam, there are exceptions and there are many cases where Islam allows backbiting(4). These Cases are: 1. unjustness. A person who suffered from injustice is allowed to mention the name of the person who committed injustice to someone who is capable of restoring his rights to him like a judge or a ruler of a city. If your intention is to change evil things or to prevent a person from committing a sin. If the intention is not to change evil, then ghibah is not permissible. 3. If you’re asking about a ruling on a point in Islam(Fatwa), then you may say that your brother, father, or wife has done such and such and you would like to know the ruling on that action. However, Islam encourages people to avoid mentioning names. The question can formulated as What is the verdict regarding a person who has done such-and-such? 4. If your intention is to warn people about the wrongdoing of a person. For example, it is permissible to warn people about a merchant who cheat people by selling them defective products. It is also permissible to reveal the faults of a person to someone who is asking you to evaluate that person whom the former is thinking of marrying. A legitimate evidence for is when Fatimah bint Qays when the prophet (PBUH) and asked him about two men who had proposed to her. He said As for Mu`awiyah, he is a poor man with no money, and as for Abu Jahm, his stick never leaves his shoulder. [Bukhari, Muslim, Malik]. It is permissible to perform ghibah if a person commits sins in front of people and does not have any qualms about his sins. However, It is prohibited to mention any of his secret sins. There can be no backbiting of one who casts off the mantle of modesty. 5 [Suyuti, Al-Jami` As-Saghir, 2/519, from Bayhaqi. ] Expiation A backbiter violates two infringements in Islam. One is the limits of Allah which must expiated by sincere regret and seeking forgiveness from Allah. A number of fatwas say that the backbiter must praise the person whom he backbit in his absence. The second infringement is in regards to people’s rights. The sin can only be expiated if person affected by ghibah forgives and pardons the backbiter. The messenger (PBUH) said that â€Å"Whoever has wronged his brother with regard to his honour or something, let him ask him for forgiveness before the time when there will be neither dinar nor dirham, and if he has any good deeds it will be taken from him in proportion to the wrong he did, and if he does not have any hasanat (good deeds), some of the other persons sayyiat (evil deeds) will be taken and given to him to bear. †

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Module 3 Productive Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Module 3 Productive Assessment - Essay Example They still employ competency testing to establish minimum competency standards for graduation or promotion to the next grade to show for improvement. In some states even, the law requires that students pass tests in reading, math skills and other academic areas to show they can perform daily tasks. For those who hold non-traditional values at heart, emphasizing the acquisition of knowledge and personal development through informal means is encouraged. Involvement in social issues outside the school curriculum is deemed to be the best way to garner an education stressing that it is in the students' best interest to respond to what the student's need and want to study. Most of the schools that employ these methods allow the students to participate in the decision-making activities of the schools. Only then can we fully appreciate the extent to which equitable assessment can be used to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and achievement. Teachers also are able to make inferences about student performance and how they must refine their instruction to increase or maintain high performance without calling into question the technical adequacy of the assessment (Jones, 1990). However, when school... student retention, promotion, or graduation), the importance of understanding ways to maximize equity while not compromising the technical quality of alternative assessments should be looked into. The validity of inferences made affects the technical adequacy of the assessment made regarding the performance of all students (Jones, 1990). It is then when alternative tests are used for high-stakes purposes, schools--in addition to being concerned about equity when selecting or developing assessments--must take advantage of methods for maximizing fairness in administering and scoring them. Of utmost importance is ensuring that students have had adequate opportunity to learn the material on which they are being tested. These assessments, authentic, traditional and equitable, are just tools themselves and are just as responsible as the curriculum and the educators. Regardless of the level of the assessment effort, equity will never be achieved as long as everyone involved in educating children sees these assessment tools as responsible for ensuring fairness. It is not just the tools, but also the curriculum, instruction, professional development, parent and community involvement, and leadership practices that affect the fairness of assessments and the inferences based on them. As education is more important today that it was ever before, the choice of whether employing authentic/productive assessment over conventional assessment is becoming more widespread largely because of the power of the internet. Western culture and influence has spread to every part of the world, and the ideal of the free and compulsory education has taken root in almost every country. For much of history, people's social and vocational status had been largely ascribed - that is, determined by the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Nursing - Essay Example ample, the following ones: freedom of taking initiatives, ability to take care of himself and of other people, ability to intervene in cases that a problem arises. All the above characteristics need to exist in nurses, a fact that verifies the relationship between nursing and philosophy. The environment is necessarily related to nursing. The term environment, as a concept related to the philosophy but also to nursing, can have a series of meanings, depending on the subject to which environment is related (Cody & Cody 2011). For example, for patients, environment can refer to their social environment, including family and friends, but also to their physical environment, as, for example, the health care setting where they have been admitted for a specific treatment (Cody & Cody 2011, p.149). However, environment can have another aspect: it can be used for describing the world in general. For example, in the context of utilitarianism, environment can have such meaning, indicating the obligation of a person to help people around him (Cody & Cody 2011, p.149). In nursing, the use of the term environment can be quite critical, especially if the specific term is given an explanation aligning with the principles of utilitarianism, as described above. Different approaches have been used for explaining health. Most commonly, the term health is used for describing the physical or mental status of a person (Cody & Cody 2011). However, the above term can be also used in order to reflect the differentiation of a person from his environment (Cody & Cody 2011). For example, when a person responds to a particular event in a different way than most people would respond, then it can be assumed that the particular person has a health problem, a mental problem that prevents him from reacting as expected. The term health has another aspect: it can be used for describing the potential of a person to face a health problem. More specifically, for certain people health is of critical

Monday, August 26, 2019

Data Mining Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Data Mining Theory - Essay Example Moreover, data mining methods and techniques are helpful for the companies to take actions against business queries that usually were prolonged to determine. They polish databases for unknown models, discovering analytical information that professionals can overlook for the reason that it resides external to their prospects (Thearling), (Berson, Smith and Thearling) and (Chen and Hu). In addition, classification and clustering analysis are two well-known data mining methods for discovering secret structures in large volume of data. On the other hand, classification and clustering are frequently known as identical, but actually they are dissimilar analytical techniques (Colet). This paper presents a detailed analysis of different data mining classification approaches. These classification techniques include Decision tree induction, Bayesian classification (Naive Bayes), Support Vectors Machines (SVM) and Lazy Learners (k-NN). 1- Introduction The one of the most useful techniques of da ta mining is classification that is a machine learning method employed to forecast cluster association for data samples. For instance, we can desire to utilize classification to forecast whether the weather of a specific week’s day will be â€Å"damp†, â€Å"bright† or â€Å"overcast†. Well-known classification methods comprise decision trees as well as neural networks (Chapple). Additionally, the technique of classification is a dissimilar from clustering technique. Though, the classification is related to clustering because it as well slices customer records into distinct sections known as classes. However, as compared to clustering, a classification analysis necessitates that the end-user/forecaster be acquainted with in advance how data and information classes are described. For instance, classes could be described to signify the probability that a client evades on a loan, and his answer could encompass (No/ Yes). In addition, it is essential that eve ry business record in the dataset utilized to develop the classifier previously encompassed a value for the aspect or attribute applied to describe the classes. For the reason that every business database record has a value intended for the attribute utilized to describe the classes, as well as for the reason that the end-user makes a decision on the attribute to utilize. Moreover, the classification is a great deal less investigative as compared to clustering method. On the other hand, the purpose of a classifier is not to discover the data to find out remarkable sections, however rather to make a decision how novel records should be classified, for example, if is this fresh customer likely to fail to pay on the loan he/she might borrow? (Colet) and (Berson, Smith and Thearling) This paper will outline the comparison of four data mining classification techniques including Decision tree induction, Bayesian classification (Naive Bayes), Support Vectors Machines (SVM) and Lazy Learner s (k-NN). This paper will also suggest the most effective technique for the better data assessment and analysis. 2- Problem Situation and Motivation Data mining and classification techniques are utilized by means of different algorithms, and the particular algorithm utilized in this scenario is able to influence the means records are grouped as well as classified. In

Sale of Property (Case Law) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sale of Property (Case Law) - Essay Example To begin with, it is imperative to understand the different types of property that can be sold. Basically there are two types of property: real and personal property. Real property in this case refers to the land and anything that is growing, erected or affixed to it, including the crops and buildings. The term is also used to refer to any rights attached to the ownership of the land. Therefore, the terms real property and real estate both refer to land. Land also includes everything found above and beneath it such as oil, minerals and gases (Laitos 1998, p. 4-13). Personal property (movable property), on the other hand, is anything other than land which can be subject of ownership such as money, inventory, copyrights and patents, as well as intangible property. The difference between personal and real property can be recognized very easily. Nevertheless, its character can be altered. In this case, a property that was initially personal in nature may become a real property by being a nnexed to it. For instance, this may happen when a rail is converted into a fence on land. However, in certain cases the agreement or intention of the parties determines whether a property annexed retains its character as personal property. ... In this regard, possession refers to the interest in a given property under which an individual to the exclusion of others is able to exercise some degree of power over something. Basically, it is the property right that entitles the possessor to continue peaceful possession against any other person except someone with a superior right (Stoebuck, Whitman and Cunningham 2000, p.14-22). This also gives the possessor the right to recover personal property, that has been acquired wrongfully and to recover damages against offenders. As such, it means that in case Mr. Blog only possesses the said properties without ownership, then he has no right of passing the title to the purchaser. In this case, if he happens to transfer the property to the buyer and latter own its owner comes along and claim for it, then the buyer would have to surrender the property since it is voidable. Therefore, it is important that the buyer consider the true ownership of the property before committing to buying t he property. Based on the common law principle, an individual cannot pass a better title than he or she has (Mattei 2000, p.13-29). This implies that a buyer cannot acquire a better title than that of the seller. For instance, since a thief does not have a title to the stolen goods, it follows that a person who purchases goods that are stolen acquire no title. This implies that the purchaser would also have to determine if Mr. blog is the bona fide owner of the properties he is selling. This is to unearth whether the properties that Mr. Blog is to sell are stolen, grabbed or are for someone else. The reason being, if the properties that Mr. Blog wants to sell happens to have been acquired illegally, then any transfer to the purchaser

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Colombian Drug MulesDrug Trade and Trafficking Essay

Colombian Drug MulesDrug Trade and Trafficking - Essay Example 39). Jerry Speziale, an undercover narcotics agent who infiltrated one of the most powerful of the Colombian drug cartels, however, disagrees with this assessment. Insisting that government weakness, not complicity is at the source of the problem, Speziale contends that poverty and lack of economic options are the primary reasons for the survival and growth of the Colombian drug trade (p. 76). Indeed, this appears to be the suggestion forwarded in the film "Maria Full of Grace." In this film, a pregnant teenager becomes a drug mule, despite all that it involves in terms of danger to life, health and freedom, because she has no other option for supporting herself and her family. Poverty and economic necessity drive her to become a drug mule ("Maria Full of Grace"). This points to governmental weakness, not complicity because it evidences the failure of the government to provide the population with economic options outside of the drug trade. Quite simply stated, as long as the governme nt cannot furnish its populace with economic opportunities and the drug cartels can, the trade will flourish. Both the Colombian and the US governments have poured substantial financial, military and human resources into the war on drugs with very little effect because of the political and economic power enjoyed by the cartels versus the weakness of the government. Over tOver the past two decades, the Colombian government has sought to eliminate the production and transit of illicit narcotics in its national territory. Working closely with the U.S. and other members of the inter-American narcotics control regime, the Colombian government has implemented "supply-reduction" programs that eradicate drug plantings, destroy drug processing laboratories, intercept the transportation of narcotics and the chemicals used to make them, and apprehend suspected drug traffickers and confiscate their illicit profits (Linton, p. 89). The costs of these programs, in terms of budget allocations and human personnel, are significant. Since the early 1980s, the Colombian government has spent several billion US dollars to implement supply-reduction initiatives within its national territory. While the Colombian government has received considerable anti-narcotics assistance from the U.S. and other foreign governments over the years, it has also invested a substantia l portion of its own resources in the "war on drugs" (Linton, pp. 88-90). Moreover, in recent years, the Colombian government's anti-drug expenditures have increased significantly. In the 1980s, Colombia's anti-narcotics budget varied between US$20 and 25 million per year, with the U.S. providing half this amount. In 1995 the Colombian government devoted US$900 million of its own funds to anti-drug efforts, and in 1996 this amount increased to over US$ 1.3 billion. In 1997, the Colombian government allocated US$ 1.1 billion for counter-narcotics efforts, which represented 4.8% of the government's budget for that year (Lee, p. 202; CNN, 1998a, n.p.). The financial resources which are poured into the war on drugs is constantly spiralling and, it seems, with hardly any lasting effect on the trade. The human costs of the Colombian government's counter-narcotics efforts are even greater. Every year thousands of Colombian civilian and military officials participate in various phases of planning and/or implementing supply-reduction policies. The danger inherent in this

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Answering questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Answering questions - Assignment Example This decision worsened the situation as it was like a throwing a burning branch into a bucket of kerosene. It instigated anti—American sentiment in Iran which explored (Christopher & Mosk, 2007). We learn that Carter actions were more of humanitarian than political, and this caused him a second term following his inability to restore the situation that became his weakness for the competitors. The duo was terrorists school shooters that handled the April 20, 1999 Columbine High School massacre. This massacre has remained the today’s the deadliest high school massacre in American history as well the fifth deadliest school massacre in history of America after the Bath School Bombing, the Virginia Tech Massacre, the Sandy Hook Elementary Scholl massacre and the University of Texas massacre. The duo met in 1995 and became intimate friends. The first warning signs arose from the increasingly hostile personality in his freshman year at Columbine when Eric met Tiffany Typher in German. Brian was born in 1961 and was the 2008 vice presidential candidate of America’s Independent Party in the same year’s United States Presidential Election. He ran on the ticket with the presidential candidate Alan Keyes. He is a school drop-out at 16 and founded a car stereo in business in Englewood, Colorado. He led the efforts to examine the sociological reasons for Columbine High School Massacre as his son (Daniel) wounded by Eric and shot in back by Klebold. His opinion was that the cause of the massacre was as resulting of legalizing abortion as well as the removal of all vestiges of religion from the public school classroom. The controversy of the cross memorial is understood, but the controversy arise about the gun since the history is clear and the meaning of the concern being on the appropriateness of the specific location for the processed

Friday, August 23, 2019

Strategic management Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Strategic management - Article Example This presence can further intensify the competition as more and more niches within the market are developed. There can be opportunities specially in terms of offering comprehensive services under one roof because most of the players are focused on providing specialist services and are not clearly focused on universal medical services under one roof. 2) Due to lack of more sophisticated hospitals in non-urban areas, the overall bargaining power of consumers may be low. However, due to overall size of the healthcare suppliers, there is relatively higher bargaining power available to suppliers i.e. physicians, medical professionals, healthcare supplies etc. The fact that RRMC was not able to procure some of the supplies required for essential procedures therefore outline that due to demand and supply dynamics of medical supplies suppliers, they are yielding more power. The overall competitiveness and the lower concentration of high quality services providers in the non-urban areas there fore make it relatively more lucrative for new players to enter into the market. The chances for the substitute products to dominate the market are relatively low because alternative medicine is not common yet and therefore may not take place of the traditional services offered. The overall rivalry in the industry therefore is relatively high due to the fact that more and more players may enter into the market and serving different niches of the market. 3) One of the key competitive advantages of RRMC is its ability to offer different services under one roof. Started as an acute services provider, RRMC developed itself into a larger healthcare services provider by including innovative services such as heartburn treatment center, chest pain treatment, and diagnostic services along with other general services. This therefore can serve as one of the key competitive advantages for RRMC and can distinguish it from other players in the market which are mostly focused on providing selectiv e services. This competitive advantage could be sustainable if RRMC is able to continuously upgrade its operations and bring in more innovativeness in its operations. An expanded base of services coupled with latest technology therefore can surely help RRMC to maintain its competitive advantage and sustain it for longer period of time. 4) A closer analysis of the facts provided in the case study suggests that RRMC’s inbound logistics may have minimum impact on its competitiveness. However, the operations of the hospital are really critical and are probably the major source through which it generates its competitive advantage. The network of different departments and services including outpatient departments therefore can serve as the outbound logistics of the firm. Outbound logistics of the firm coupled with operations of the firm work in tandem to offer RRMC a unique advantage in the market. The use of membership incentives through MedKey program can also serve as one of the key sources for competitive advantage of the firm. Through this, hospital has been able to achieve both the retail i.e. individual as well as local businesses as customers and offered them bundled services. The use of internet for the purpose of market can also be considered as key part of the overall marketing campaign of the hospital to maintain its competitive advantage. Since the essential nature of the hospital is to provide healthcare servic

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay Example for Free

Biblical Worldview Essay Many ask what a world view is. A world view can be made up of assumptions that a human being believes about reality. Whether consciously or subconsciously, human beings viewpoints on the world will affect the way they interact, react, and live out their day to day lives. Everyone abides by some sort of world view, though another human being may not be cognizant of it. These preconceptions often have emotional impact on the thinking of every human being in the world daily. Possessing a Christian world view provides a starting point of morality and solidity that most non-Christian world views do not possess. From a Christian standpoint, it is believed that everyone was created in the image of God. For the reason that we are believed to have been created in His image, there are morals that should be upheld. To the same degree my studying of business, I feel that I would need to be a symbol of patience and benevolence. It understandably goes along with that of the way a human being thinks affects what is done by that human being. Working in a business setting where a friendly and courteous demeanor is expected can present a challenge when dealing with individuals who go against every belief you abide by. In a business setting a person can easily lose their cool whether on the phone speaking to a wayward customer or just dealing with an unmanageable employee. Being a Christian, it is known that God would not want this being he has is a patient spirit and I too should be patient and kind. In Galatians fifth chapter twenty second through twenty third verse states, â€Å"But the spirit produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.† The scripture gives you an idea about each of us. If we have a godly spirit within ourselves then we should bare those same fruits of the spirit in times of distress. Our creation in the image of God does not mean we are perfect in any sense of the word. It only means that we will at some point in our lives fail God, regardless of how hard we try not to because we are human beings. I as a business woman should show patience with my customers and employees even when they refuse to comply with the  rules and show them and myself that I have a heart similar to God. Colossians chapter one verse eleven reveals that â€Å"God will strengthen yo u with his own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient.† The scripture brings a sense of peace and lets it be known never to lose hope. For instance, if an employee is consistently misusing the telephone for personal use I should stand firm. Possibly I could pull the employee aside and reaffirm the rules of the job as it pertains to the telephone. Psalms chapter forty one verse one conveys, â€Å"How blessed is he who considers the helpless; The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.† The scripture indicates that sheer kindness or benevolence will actually be rewarded or shown favor to the person if a day comes where they need the same kindness shown to them. Within a business setting benevolence is a major part of the day to day tasks. Whether or not you are in a bad mood, upset about something, or just not feeling up to it, you must show kindness. In the second book of Corinthians chapter four verse four, a phrase referencing Jesus who is the â€Å"image of God.† Nobody truly understands the meaning of the phrase but it can make a sweeping statement. Being throughout the bible God is referenced as a spirit to be in the image of God has to refer to his character and attributes that are replicated in human beings. From the bible you can take that the image of God reflects empathy, reasonableness, adoration, loathing, cooperativeness, patience, kindness, and so much more. All of which are exhibited by God but also characteristics of human beings. An example, if I notice that a guest is coming up short on a bill and I have the authority or the means to help, I would just let them know not to worry about it and that I would take care of it. Having a Christian world view in a business setting can be very hard. It can become even more strenuous when you look at the entire world as a whole. Trying to keep a Christian mindset in all aspects of the business world can wear thin on your patience. Although, knowing that in time your patience will be compensated is something more meaningful than allowing someone or something to take you out of your element. By showing who you are and not wearing a mask each place you step foot in will be satisfying within itself. Showing kindness to those you come into co ntact with can also shed light on a person. In the business setting such as mine it is gratifying knowing that through the Christian faith patience and benevolence  is seen to be a portion of God. The image of God can be shown in many ways within a business setting it is up to the beliefs of the Christian how they will be revealed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Motivational Letter Example Essay Example for Free

Motivational Letter Example Essay This letter is to express my interest in bringing my diverse professional background and experience to your organization.   I possess excellent interpersonal skills and am effective in motivating, mentoring, and coaching others demonstrating solid leadership skills. As you can gather from my attached resume, I am currently working as a Realtor for a major real estate firm.   My professional background includes working in both the public and private sector and it demonstrates my flexibility and adaptability to work in a variety of work environments. In addition to the skills noted on my attached resume, I can also offer your organization: Excellent customer service skills and a proven ability to increase customer satisfaction. An ability to work in a fast-paced environment utilizing my multi-tasking skills. Self-motivated and goal-oriented professional dedicated to achieving personal and professional growth. It is my hope that my education and professional experience will convey to you that I have the qualifications to make a valuable contribution as a School Counselor at any institution.   Should you have any questions, I can be reached at the number listed above.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Roles of Windows Server 2012

Roles of Windows Server 2012 Margaret Webb Edition Idea for High level feature-comparison Licensing Model Memory Limits Foundation Costs-efficient all around server Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 15 users) 32 GB Ram Essentials Environments in small companies Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 25 users) 64 GB ram Standard Non-virtualized or lightly virtualized environments All features, with two virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram Datacenter Highly-virtualized private cloud management All features are unlimited virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram #2 A private cloud facilitating arrangement, otherwise called an interior or undertaking cloud, lives on organizations intranet or facilitated server farm where the greater part of your information is secured behind a firewall. Public cloud facilitating arrangement. Your information is put away in the suppliers server farm and the supplier is in charge of the administration and upkeep of the server farm. This kind of cloud condition is speaking to many organizations since it decreases lead times in testing and sending new items. Nonetheless, the downside is that many organizations feel security could need with an open cloud. Despite the fact that you dont control the security of an open cloud, the greater part of your information stays isolate from others and security breaks of open mists are uncommon. VDI stands for Virtual desktop infrastructure which has a desktop working framework on a concentrated server in a server farm. VDI is a minor departure from the customer server registering model, some of the time alluded to as server-based processing. 1) Pooled assets: This implies we manage assets at a total level as opposed to at the level of individual servers. The cloud uncovered a pool of limit with regards to use by administrations that require the limit, and this deliberation decouples the virtualized workloads from the physical framework, permitting dynamic workload arrangement and autonomous foundation administration. 2) Self-Service: In the cloud demonstrate, benefit purchasers can utilize a self-benefit involvement, regularly an electronic entrance, to get to the limit they have been assigned, self-arrangement workloads from standing up a solitary VM to sending a perplexing administration, and deal with the life cycle of those workloads. 3) Elasticity: Cloud Elasticity implies that the framework can bolster the changing needs of the association, sending new administrations as required, distributing more assets to administrations that experience overwhelming burden or de-allotting assets to spare power when the heap is light. With cross-cloud administration, workloads can likewise move amongst private and open mists, giving additional limit, geo-scale reach, or different qualities as required. 4) Usage Based: In the cloud show, clients are charged or if nothing else get educated on their cloud asset utilization in light of their genuine asset utilization #3 Resilient File System (ReFS), codenamed Protogon, is a Microsoft exclusive record framework presented with Windows Server 2012 with the goal of turning into the people to come document framework after NTFS. The reason you would utilize it is helps you store and ensure information, paying little mind to the dependability of the basic equipment and programming stack. This limits the cost of capacity and lessens capital uses for organizations. You can convey a Windows Server 2012 R2 document server connected to an only a cluster of plates (JBOD) stockpiling setup with Serial ATA (SATA) or Serially Attached SCSI (SAS) drives. Also, the arrangement could incorporate failover grouping where the client sends a scale-out, two-hub record server bunch with Storage Spaces, where the group utilizes a mutual JBOD stockpiling design with SAS drives #4 Server Roles: !) Active Directory Certificate Services 2) Active Directory Domain Services The primary Windows Server 2012/R2 part that I would introduce on a server for a small assembling organization is the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) part. The reason I would introduce this part on small assembling organizations server is because it permits the Windows Server 2012/R2 go about as a space controller. This is valuable for the assembling organization since it handles confirmation and approval for every one of the workers that are in a Windows area condition. The second Windows Server 2012/R2 part Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) gives adjustable administrations to issuing and overseeing endorsements in programming security frameworks that utilization open key advances. For foundation data about open key cryptography and the advantages of having an open key framework (PKI), You can utilize AD CS to make at least one affirmation specialists (CA) to get testament demands, check the data in the solicitations and the character of the requester, issue endorsements, renounce declarations, and distribute authentication denial information. #5 Server Core establishments require around 4 GB less space than a Server with a GUI establishment. By utilizing Server Core establishments on virtual machines, you can accomplish a huge space funds by not storing the GUI records on the virtual machines plate. Servers frequently have nearly a lot of memory and complex plate clusters, both of which can set aside a lot of opportunity to instate at startup. Since Server Core establishments limit the quantity of restarts required for updates, the recurrence at which plate clusters and memory must be re-introduced is lessened. Certain server applications have conditions on specific Windows administrations, libraries, applications, and records that are not accessible in Server Core establishments, but rather the manager needs to exploit the decreased requirement for refreshing commonplace of Server Core establishments. The Minimal Server Interface offers extra similarity while as yet keeping up a diminished framework impression (however to a lesser degree than a Server Core establishment). Highlights on Demand can be utilized to diminish the impression for your virtual machine organizations by evacuating parts and components that will never be sent in your virtual machines. Contingent upon the parts and elements utilized as a part of your virtual machines, it is conceivable to lessen the size by more than 1 GB. Diminished adjusting, Since Server Core introduces just what is required for a reasonable DHCP, File, DNS, Media Services, and Active Directory server, less adjusting is required. Decreased administration, since less is introduced on a Server Core-based server, less administration is required. Decreased assault surface Since there is less running on the server, there is less assault surface. Less plate space required Server Core requires around 3.4GB to introduce. More noteworthy solidness. Since a Server Core establishment has less running procedures and administrations than a Full establishment, the general dependability of Server Core is more noteworthy. Less things can turn out badly, and less settings can be designed mistakenly. Disentangled administration. Since there are less things to oversee on a Server Core establishment, its less demanding to arrange and bolster a Server Core establishment than a Full one-once you get the hang of it.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Franklin D Roosevelt Essay -- essays research papers fc

Franklin D. Roosevelt In the 1932 election, the Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt collected 57.4 percent of the popular vote to easily defeat the republican opponent, Herbert Hoover. He strove to be a symbol of confidence and a new hope for the nation, declaring in his inauguration day speech on March 4, 1933, "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" (Norton, p.727). By incorporating this theory into politics, he attempted to pick America off the ground, and set America back on track with two sets of programs called the First and Second New Deals. During the first hundred days of his presidency, Roosevelt set forth his plan for national recovery, known as the First New Deal. Designed and administered by Roosevelt's core group of advisors, known as the â€Å"Brain Trust† (Leuchtenburg, p.83), the New Deal represented a new era where the government would be able to intervene with the economy. With Democratic majorities in Congress, he was able to push through a large number of measures, making the first hundred days of his presidency an unprecedented period of government action. Roosevelt laid out his strategy for recovery early on, dividing it into three major goals: Banking and Relief for the Jobless, Agricultural Recovery, and Industrial Recovery. The first problem Roosevelt faced in the business side was with the number of bank closures throughout the nation during the early months of 1933. In response, he called for a four-day national bank holiday (Leuchtenburg, p.85), during which time he met with the heads of many of the nation's suffering banks and developed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, passed March 9. This act provided the framework under which banks could reopen their doors with federal support (McElvaine, p.103). On March 31, Congress passed the Unemployment Relief Act, which also created the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), a program that employed the poor with public work and services (Leuchtenburg, p.92). April was also a successful month, even though less was successfully passed. May, on the other hand, saw the passing of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) to distribute federal aid to farmers and controlled farm production. That same day, the most comprehensive relief bill of the New Deal was passed, the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), appropriating $50... ... New Deal lost momentum as a conservative coalition in Congress passed cuts in relief programs and blocked further acts proposed by Democratic New Deal supporters. As a result, Roosevelt proposed few new reform measures during his second term in office. In his January 1939 State of the Union Address, Roosevelt proposed no new domestic programs (Norton, p.747). The New Deal had effectively ended. Bibliography Braeman, John, with Robert Bremmer and David Brody, eds. The New Deal University Press, Columbus: 1975 Freedman, Russell. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Clarion Books, New York: 1992 Joseph, Paul. Franklin D. Roosevelt Abdo & Daughters, Chicago: 2000 Leuchtenburg, William. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal 1932 1940 Harpercollins, New York: 1963 McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression : America, 1929-1941 Times Books, New York: 1984 Norton, Marybeth. A People and A Nation: The History of the United States Houghton Mifflin College, New York: 1998

The Story of the Water :: Water Vapor

Water vapor is the most important gaseous source of infrared opacity in the atmosphere, it accounts for about 60% of the natural greenhouse effect for the clear skies [1], and provides the largest positive feedback in model projections of climate change [2]. Therefore, water vapor variability is an important issue in the discussion of global climate change [3] and in particular the variability of stratospheric water vapor has important radiative and chemical consequences that impact the global surface climate change [4]. An increase of roughly 1% per year in stratospheric water vapor content has been observed during the last half of the 20th century [5, 6], with a more convincingly documented increase during the 1980s and most of the 1990s than earlier. However, an updated trend analysis [7] of water vapor in the lower mid-latitude stratosphere from Boulder balloon measurements and from HALOE (Halogen Occultation Experiment) [8] spaceborne observations provides trend estimates for the period 1980-2000 that are up to 40% lower than previously reported. Methane oxidation is a major source of water in stratosphere, and has been increasing over the industrial period, however, the observed trend in stratospheric water vapor during the last half of the 20th century is too large to be attributed to methane oxidation alone [5, 9]. The temperatures near the tropical tropopause should control the stratospheric water vapor content according to the equilibrium thermodynamics, importing more water vapor into the stratosphere when temperatures are warmer. However, tropical tropopause temperatures have cooled slightly over the period of the stratospheric water vapor increase [10, 11]. Other mechanisms have been proposed to explain the increase of the stratospheric water vapor occurred in the second half of 20th century, but so far the driving causes of this increase are unknown. The upward trend of stratospheric water vapor decreased in the last half of the 1990s with a near-zero trend between 1996 and 2000 [12, 13]. Furthermore, at the end of 2000 there was a dramatic drop of about 10% of stratospheric water vapor [13]. The trend analysis reported in [14] extends until spring 2008 and it shows that a minimum was approximately reached between 2004 and 2006 and an increase is observed afterwards. The drop in stratospheric water vapor that occurred at the end of 2000 is thought to have slowed the rate of increase in global surface temperature over 2000-2009 by about 25% compared to that which would have occurred due only to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases [4]. On the other hand the increase in stratospheric water vapor occurred between 1980 and 2000 would have enhanced the decadal rate of surface warming during the 1990s by about

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Bible: The Book of Daniel Essay -- Religion, Nebuchadnezzar

Traditionally, a prophet gives a message from God to His people. Another way Daniel sways from being a typical Old Testament Prophet is that He interprets God’s messages, yet sometimes he was not the original recipient of the message. A vision, dream, or miraculous event happens and Daniel is called in to give an interpretation of what God’s message is in this happening. As Daniel was like John in the book of Revelation with his writing style, he is much like Joseph in the book of Genesis in his prophetical style. Another difficulty for Hebrew scripture is that these pagan Gentile leaders were the ones to whom God originally imparted His visions. In some circumstances, Daniel was called to miraculously tell the details of the vision before giving his God given interpretation. It is no wonder that even if Daniel was available to be put into the prophetic section, a staunch Israelite would not have placed him in this area. His prophecies and writing are focused upon Gent iles. He uses an apocalyptic literary style and on top of this His messages are not always delivered to Him from God in a normal prophetical style. In chapter seven, Daniel dreams a dream of four beasts. The first is like a winged lion, the second is like a bear with three ribs in its mouth, the third is a four headed, four winged leopard, and the last one is the worst of all and destroys the first three. It has ten horns and a small eleventh horn comes up and yanks out three of the horns. This little horn had eyes and a mouth. The vision is interpreted for Daniel. The four beasts are four kingdoms. The fourth kingdom will be greater than all the previous kingdoms and its ten horns represent the ten kings of that kingdom. The eleventh king will subdue three of th... ... that the part which would be the breast and the arms of silver will crush the former kingdoms just as iron crushes in real life. The kingdom will retain some of its strength, but as it moves into the feet, it is now a divided kingdom. Just as it retains some of its strength, the clay shows that it has gained some weakness. The iron and clay mingled shows the inner mingling of these peoples. The final image in the dream is the stone that becomes a mountain and engulfs the entire world. This is not only the fifth but it is also the final kingdom made by God that will never be taken over by another kingdom. It also will end all other kingdoms. Daniel ends his interpretation and recollection of the dream by saying, â€Å"the great God has made known to the king what will take place in the future; so the dream is true, and its interpretation is trustworthy† (Daniel 2:45).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Essay

As we’ve already learned, â€Å"motivation† entails trying to find out why people act the way they do (Brophy, 1998). Recalling on it, â€Å"motives† are specific forces that strengthen and direct behavior toward solving a problem or realization of a goal (Brophy, 1998). â€Å"Motives† differ from each other according to kind, for instance, hunger, thirst, etc; according to intensity, for instance, more hungry than thirsty; according to origin, for instance, biologically-based as against experience-based (Brophy, 1998). It may also be different in terms of being internal or external and the degree to which a person is aware of them (Brophy, 1998). For instance, employees who go on strike may do so because they adhere to some moral principles or â€Å"instrinsic motivation†; or because they would like to ask for a salary increase or â€Å"extrinsic motivation† (Brophy, 1998). â€Å"Intrinsic motivation† is concerned with motives based on one’s own internal needs and desires while â€Å"extrinsic motivation† involves positive or negative external rewards that affect behavior (Brophy, 1998). Another aspect that may differ the â€Å"extrinsic motivation† and â€Å"intrinsic motivation† is the fact that in â€Å"extrinsic motivation†, â€Å"it focuses people on the reward instead of the action† while this is not the case in â€Å"intrinsic motivation† (Morris , 2005). That’s why if the rewards are stopped, the action/behavior also will (Morris et. al. , 2005). To compare or contrast â€Å"intrinsic and extrinsic motivation† further, let’s a look at some more examples: When an individual knows that a reward will be given as a consequence of what he or she is about to do, which actually fits the technical definition of â€Å"extrinsic motivation† then he or she is most likely to carry it out (Morris et. al. , 2005). Another example is when an individual does things not because he or she has or needs to but because he or she wants to (Morris et. al. , 2005). The fact that the individual does it and that it is rewarding in itself for the individual then what he or she is doing is the exact definition of the technical term â€Å"intrinsic motivation† (Morris et. al. , 2005). References Brophy, J. (1998). Motivation. Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill. Morris, C. G. & Maisto, A. A. (2005). Psychology: An Introduction, 12th Ed. New York: Prentice-Hall.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Law Revision

She care for her own self interest and has not bring a new product opportunity to FAA Case: Re Come 191 1 Fact: A father had been assisted in his business by his second son. After the father's death, the mother transferred the business assets to that second son. After her death, the elder son sought the transfer Of those assets back into her estate, saying that in the absence of her having taken independent advice, the younger son's position brought an implication of undue influence.Director's fiduciary duties are owed only to the company, not to the individual share holders. Case: Percival v Wright 1902 Facts: Percival wished to sell his shares in the company and wrote to the company secretary asking if he knew f anyone willing to buy. After negotiations, the chairman of the board of directors arranged the purchase of 253 shares, 85 for himself and 84 for each of his fellow directors at a price based on Percival valuation of the shares. The transfers were approved by the board and t he transactions completed.Soon afterwards, Percival discovered that prior to and during the negotiations for the sale of his shares, another person was negotiating with the board for the purchase of the whole company and was offering various prices for shares, all of which exceeded the price paid to Percival. Percival then brought n action against the directors asking for the sale of his shares to be set aside for non-disclosure. Held: The directors are not trustee for the individual shareholders and may purchase their shares without disclosing that they are negotiating for the sale of the entire company.Fruity has not informed to the board of FAA when she set up a company called Cure Life Ltd (CLC) and become majority shareholder. Case: The board of trustees of the Saba Foundation & Or's v Dates Seed chick bin Seed Mohamed & nor [1 999] ‘A fiduciary is someone who has undertake to act for or on behalf of another in a particular tater in circumstances which give rise to a rela tionship of trust and confidence. The distinguishing obligation of a fiduciary is the obligation of loyalty. The principal is entitled to the single minded loyalty of his fiduciary†¦ This core liability has several facts.A fiduciary must act in good faith; he must not make for his own benefit or the benefit of a third person without the informed consent Of his principal. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but it is sufficient to indicate the nature of fiduciary obligations.. They are the defining characteristics of the fiduciary†¦ E is not subject to fiduciary obligations because he is fiduciary; it is because he is subject to them that he is a fiduciary. ‘ The key fide carry obligations of the directors are To act Boniface in the interest of the company Directors are required to act Boniface for the benefit of the company as a whole.The Act also imposes similar duty on directors: SSL 32 (1) Case: Re Lee Barrens Ltd [1932] Facts: A dispute arose over the purchase by the company of pension policies for the benefit of employees and their spouses. It was claimed that the particular policy issued was a misuse of the directors' power. Held: The judge set out a three part test for determining whether the directors were using their powers properly: (1) Was the transaction entered into in good faith? (2) Was the transaction reasonably incidental to the carrying on of the company's business? (3) Was the transaction done for the benefit of the company and to promote its prosperity? 1) No (2) NO (3) Yes TO exercise their power under the company's constitution for proper purpose Because directors are fiduciaries they can only exercise powers given to them for the purpose for which those powers were given and for no other purpose or which those powers were given and for no other purpose, and the exercise of a power for an improper purpose can be challenged even if the directors' good faith is not in question To avoid conflict of interest and not to profit from their position In the situation, Fruity has proposed FAA enters into a contract with CLC to buy supplies of the organic fruit drink product for resale.The board agrees and as part of the contract Fruity negotiates with the board that she will be paid RUMOR,000 commission because she drew the board's attention to this new product opportunity. The board of FAA did not know that Fruity is the majority shareholder of CLC. There is a conflict of interest between the two position Managing Director of Freshness Always Sad Bad and as the majority shareholder of CLC. Fruity also has set up the price for commission of RUMOR,OOH to draw attention towards the new product opportunity.Case: Aberdeen Railway co v Blaine Brose [1843-60] Facts: The railway company agreed to buy chairs from a partnership, Blaine Brose. Blaine, a member of the partnership was also a director of the company. When the partners tried to enforce the contract the company successfully claimed that the contra ct was avoidable owing to the director's conflict of interest. Held: Lord Charwoman said: â€Å"His duty to the company imposed on him the obligation of obtaining these iron chairs at the lowest possible price.His personal interest would let him in an entirely opposite direction – would induce him to fix the price as high as possible. This is the very evil against which the rule is directed. † A director has a duty not to make a personal profit out of his connection with the company. This rule applies even if no loss is suffered by the company. However, if he does he must count for the profit to the company. Fruity has make a personal profit in connection with FAA and CLC. The FAA may suffer no loss due to FAA makes large profits selling the organic green product.Case: Industrial Development Consultants Ltd v Cooley [1 972] Facts: The managing director of IDS attempted to secure a contract on Id's behalf with the Eastern Gas Board. KGB indicated to him that they were n ot prepared to deal with IDS but might be prepared to contract with the director (Cooley) personally. Cooley then represented to IDS that he was ill and was allowed to terminate his contract t short notice. He then negotiated with KGB and obtained the consultancy for himself. Held: He must account to IDS for the profit he obtained for the contracts.He was in breach of duty and it was immaterial that IDS could not have obtained the contract itself. Case: Cook v Deeds [1 91 6] Facts: Three directors of the Toronto Construction Co Ltd were supposed to be negotiating a construction contract on behalf of the company. Instead they formed another company and took the Contract for themselves. They were holders of 75% of the share capital of Toronto Construction, and used this charity to pass a resolution at general meeting that the company had no interest in the contract.Held: A director can normally keep a personal profit the company consents, but this consent is invalid if the director co ncerned controls the voting at general meeting. This was fraud on the minority. Section 131 (1) requires a director who is directly or indirectly interested in a contract with his company to declare promptly the nature of that interest at meeting of directors. Section 132(1) imposes a broad duty on directors at all the times to act honestly and exercise reasonable diligence in the exercise of heir power and the discharge of the duties of their office.This is based on a question of fact: case Yen Hinge enterprise Sad Bad v Dates Dry Eng pooh Aka [1 988] Regarding the extend of the meaning of â€Å"honesty', the case of Multi Pack Singapore pet Ltd ( In Receivership ) v Interact Ltd & Or's [1994] explains that this does not mean that the directors had acted fraudulently, it means that he must act bona fide in the interests of the company and that in exercising his creation, the director should act only to promote and advance the interest of the company'. Misuse of confidential inform ation

Thursday, August 15, 2019

M Hill

The† Hard Choices† essay had a better outline and gave a more interesting dead than â€Å"Initiation into Adulthood† â€Å"Initiation into Adulthood† is a very basic essay and gave the impression that is was written by a less experienced writer. I felt the paper was boring and did not keep my attention while reading each short story. The most noticeable mistake was that the paper did a plot summary for each story and never provided a conclusion or a position in any of the stories. The checklist says to use present tense verbs and this story used mostly past tense.The â€Å"Hard Choices† essay gives an analysis of each short story and provides direct quotes from the short stories. â€Å"Initiation into Adulthood† did not do a imperative analysis of the short stories. There were no literary terms used in this essay and there were no works cited. The writer did not list the authors names in the essay to give credit for their work. This essay was b oring and did not really give the viewer cohesive account of what the writer was trying to convey. Hard Choices† on the other end was a good read! It was exciting it kept my attention and made me want to continue to read more. This essay followed most of the literary rules of writing, Although, I found the plot summaries for this essay to be boring as well. I really liked reading the comparative analysis ND the writer's position for each of the short stories. The writer gave us their view of why they felt each character made the decisions that were made for each story from their point of view.Unlike â€Å"Initiation into Adulthood† the writer for â€Å"Hard Choices† uses present tense verbs when writing about the short stories. The writer used the necessary resources to support their view of the stories which made the writer seem reliable. The conclusion for this essay was dead on and summarizes the short stories completely and was cohesive with the rest of the e ssay. Am not really into literature and I don't think I am a very good writer. Hopefully, that will change after this semester.I think something that would make both essays easier to read would be eliminating the plot summaries. Like novels and in most movies the reader/viewer does not want to have the plot given to them in the beginning. I think both essays would be a better read if their plots were a buildup and the reader was given the opportunity to read and draw their own conclusion.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysis of Adarsh Society Scam Essay

Chavan was the revenue minister between 2001-2003 and had dealt with files pertaining to the ownership of the land. He is alleged to have recommended 40 per cent allotment of flats to civilians in the society, which was meant for war widows and heroes of Kargil war. The exposure of the scam forced the Congress party to seek the resignation of then Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan . Maharashtra environment department had denied giving clearance to the society. The reports make it clear that neither MCZMA nor the state’s department of environment gave any clearance for the high-rise building, The state environment department has denied giving clearance to Adarsh housing society. The state environment department has denied giving clearance to Adarsh housing society. Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society building violated provisions of the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991. No CRZ clearance or permission had been sought to construct the building. It concluded that th e no CRZ clearance had been sought for incorporating 2269 sqm of BEST land. This was a condition imposed on the housing society by the state’s department of revenue when additional land was allotted in August 2005. The Adarsh Society has also violated the floor space index permissible in the CRZ-II area of Mumbai. This is prescribed in the Development and Control Regulations of 1967. There are reports that there are other buildings too that have come up,† he accepted, adding that he will go after them after 2010 amendment to the CRZ regulations are passed by Parliament. The high-rise is built on 6,450 sq metres within the Colaba naval area and was cleared on the condition of housing war veterans but now has 104 members, including former service chiefs, senior serving Army officials, a former Environment Minister, legislators and state bureaucrats. Govt. is waiting for the official report from the various ministry, only then they take action against the gulty. MMRDA to revoke occupancy certificate till Ministry of Environment and Forest gives clearance. The prime piece of land in upmarket Colaba given to the Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society belonged to the state government and not the Services, he said. The land belongs to the state government, based on the collector’s records. Revenue department granted land to the Society as per GR of 9. 7. 1999,† he said. Certain files were missing from the adarsh community housing society that bearing signatures of important officials, pertain to the decisions taken in the stages before the project was cleared by the government. Tiwari was urban development secretary for over eight years (2000 to 2009). During his tenure, the Adarsh society was given various clearances, including additional floor space index. Raj Bhavan sources confirmed on Tuesday evening that governor K Shankarnarayan received a formal request from the state government recommending him to make reference to the Supreme Court for removal of Tiwari. This will mean that Tiwari will not be able to challenge his removal in any court. Both Defence Minister AK Antony and Army Chief General VK Singh have promised strict action against any serving officer who is found to be guilty in the scam. MoD has also said that it will give prompt permission to CBI to question any serving officer and will have no objection if they are prosecuted. The controversial Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society (ACHS) had plans to undertake another residential project. It had even approached the Maharashtra government for allotment of a 7,500 sq m plot situated near the Spastic Society of India in Colaba   ACHS had proposed to develop the plot to build cheap houses for the ‘‘ weaker sections , defence personnel and other deserving classes’’ . Society was promoted by a few IAS officers; subsequently IPS officers, government servants, MLAs and MLCs joined in and the list went up to 130 members. The society applied for land at Wadala , and the government in principle showed willingness to allot 13,000 sq metres (over 3 acres) in September 2009. This plot was located close to the high tide line, where no construction activity is usually permissible. Arguing that there were at least two other buildings which had previously been permitted to be set up right next to the HTL, Adarsh promoters requested processing of their proposal and even urged the state government to modify the HTL to override CRZ concerns. he society requested the state government to redraw the high tide line (HTL) to clear the project from the ‘‘ CRZ point of view’’ . HTL is the line of intersection of the land with the water surface at the time of high tide. Restrictions are imposed on development activity within 500m of the HTL. Minimal construction activity is permitted in these parts. But since the Adarsh scam was unearthed, the names added to the file will be deleted or the allo tment of land to Indus may be delayed,’’ said sources. All of them got flats in the society in an expensive part of Mumbai at throwaway prices. While ownership of the land was still with the state, it was in the custody of Army for several years. Army had taken custody of the land ever since it was reclaimed because the state government was to give it to the Army in return for Army’s land in Santa Cruz firing range which was taken over by for expanding the Western Expressway. Now, as the auditors go through records, it is clear that the Army neither got the land, nor financial compensation from the state. The society was asked to change the bye-laws by the then Revenue Minister Ashok Chavan. That is on record. He called a meeting and called members of the society and asked them to change the bye-laws and 40 per cent of civilians should be allowed to be members of the society. There it created a lot of problems,† Deshmukh said. the defence ministry has asked to look into issues concerning the issue of a no objection certificate, relinquishment of the land in possession of the army and the extent to which commitments for the welfare of defence ersonnel were complied with, the official added. Among other things, the bureaucrats have been asked about the circumstances under which they became members of Adarsh Cooperative Housing Society and the source of funds for the luxurious flats in the 31-storeyed building, the official said. the authorities cancelled the building’s occupation certificate and snapped off its water and power supplies. Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (B MC) has decided to provide all necessary information regarding residential buildings and societies on its website. People can ascertain whether a particular shop or nursing home is licensed or not. RC THAKUR   chief promoter of Adarsh Society, was the military estate officer in Colaba division when he came to know about the prime plot and started getting files moved. His colleagues say that whenever Thakur came up against a hurdle, he would make the person a member of the society. What I think is to demolish that building because it is not following any norms passed by the government. Or we can hand over that building to the navy and army and let them decide what to do. Or we can give the flats to the kargil widows, because that land is for them only. Rest is depend on the government. If any such scams occur in mere future than public must raise their voice in order to protest them, it somehow effect our economy and spoil our society. Mostly the scams are done by the government personnel’s. and nowadays many people are trying to somehow get the government job. If we are not raising our voice now then in future we cant save our country. In India there are so many terriost who are spoiling our country and we are not bothered about them we just focus on the terriosm.

Explain how the existence of externalities (whether from congestion or Essay

Explain how the existence of externalities (whether from congestion or pollution) cause a less than optimal allocation of resources in road transport - Essay Example The resource allocation changes through externalities since the market fails to completely fund the external belongings caused by economic actions. Markets prices tend to reflect a price based on the original personal utility, while disregard the payback on the third parties. Therefore, personal costs may deviate from social costs as the pricing means fall short to replicate the social economic actions. When the demand for road uses rises above a given level, additional costs (externalities) such as congestion, pollution may result in increased costs such as increased fuel consumption, increased journey times and other running costs as shown below. Additionally pricing arrangement results in a sub-Pareto, most select allocation of resources as the marginal cost of an action equals its marginal private cost where equals its cost due to the failure of all relevant effects. The actual price of a product does not entirely resolve its allocation and consequently the purpose of the market to resourcefully distribute resources based on their accurate prices breaks down consequential in a misallocation. Lastly, according to Schmidtchen (2009, p.30), the continuation of externalities leads to sub-optimal allocation since both too many resources used in processes presenting and uncompensated collective repayment while the return maximizing production is less than the socially best

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

EXPLANATION AND ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EXPLANATION AND ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example There is often an expectation that you will ‘follow in the footsteps’ of the family’s most successful members. Along with this pressure, there is also the pressure to accept help from your family and their associates. One can be left with the dilemma of deciding between following your own path and stepping into the destiny everyone around you assumes belongs to you. In my family, the American Dream is having your children do well. It is having your children continue in your footsteps, either in the family industry or attaining a higher level of success than your parents in another industry. The preferable path is that your children pick up the family business and carry it forward. There is a great desire to continue the legacy of the family. There is great pride for someone to pass on a legacy to their offspring. However, for the offspring, this situation is not always as desirable as it may look to other people. With so much decided for you and the ease of possib le success at your fingertips, it can be difficult to discern what you truly want for yourself. Additionally, you can begin to take future success for granted. With all of the advantages at your disposal, how could your future work out to be anything but bright? But there can also be guilt. Do you deserve the place that is being set for you? Are you the person that people think that you are? What if you don’t have the same qualities and characteristics that people assume you have? What if the genetic lottery did not imbue you with the traits that are expected of you? The idea that certain traits are indelible to certain people, specifically people with a higher socioeconomic status or a family history of a certain level is a long held notion. The concept that certain people are more deserving than others is not something new. In fact, â€Å"English social hierarchy privileges aristocrats by birth over those who distinguish themselves through intellectual labor† (Vaught 65). There is certainly a segment of our society who still clings to that idea—albeit most of them belong to the social class in question and harbor this belief in order to cling to their status. The belief and the associated practices are so prevalent, there is a name for them: nepotism. Nepotism is â€Å"favoritism to kinfolk† (Schumer 46). In some instances, the practice of nepotism is a practical practice. For instance, when universities hire married couples in recognition of the fact that academics tend to marry other academics, this is a practice that helps the institution maintain retention of quality professors—which is the topic and focus of Schumer’s piece, â€Å"The New Nepotism.† However, the nepotism that is a controversial issue for most people is not the case of married couples gaining employment in the same place. The nepotism that most people have such strong feelings about is the practice of the sons and daughters or someone alre ady enjoying advantages gains employment or favor because of who their parents are. Many people are opposed to this type of nepotism and opposition to this way of life is not new either. In fact, Thomas Jefferson explained his opposition to this concept in his letter to Adams. He referred to this idea as the ‘artificial aristocracy: â€Å"I agree with you that there is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents†¦there is also an artificial aristocracy, founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents† (Jefferson qtd. in Cullin 51). Although Adams and Jefferson

Monday, August 12, 2019

Rear Window Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Rear Window - Assignment Example Bear in mind that this is a different issue than thinking about what happens in the film (though they are closely related of course). What are the bigger ideas to which the film is pointing us? Fear of marriage and Voyeurism form the principal themes in the film the Rear Window. As the audience, we should not be fearful of marriage and the imagined state of life and understanding each other. For instance, we see Jeffries fears marrying his girlfriend because of an imagined perception that she will not adapt with his lifestyle. Jeffries through his voyeurism finds marriage to be a complicated thing (John, 25). For instance, when he follows up Thorwalds’ marriage, which ends abruptly, he gets discouraged and resolves to denounce the idea of marriage. 4. Identify a number of different analytical positions from which we can approach any film. Define each of them briefly and explain why a feminist perspective has been used so frequently to explain Rear Window. The feminist perspective is used in the film the Rear Window to reflect the gender role stereotypes. The display of gender roles is best understood through the embracing of the relationship amid the primary characters Jeffries and Lisa (John, 24). 5. Rear Window is now nearly 60 years old. To what extent has it maintained is ability to create fear, panic, and tension in an audience? Do you think it would be a â€Å"better† film if Hitchcock had had access to the kinds of seamless special effects we see in modern movies? The ability to sustain fear, panic and tension for over 60 years since the production of the Rear Window film is possible because of the setting and the realism expressed in the primary characters throughout the film. Jeffries expresses fear when he makes a decision of not marrying his girl friend (John, 22). The fear that marriage is a difficulty institution attributed to his experience with the neighbors trickles down to the audience in form of panic and tension. Sigmund

Sunday, August 11, 2019

How I Met Your Mother vs. I Love Lucy Movie Review

How I Met Your Mother vs. I Love Lucy - Movie Review Example Additionally, both the shows revolve around the theme of relationships and, therefore, a hilarious story emerges. Relationships and friendship are the most significant things to the characters. Their social lives and interaction between them forms the largest part of the plots. The clues that are offered, in the shows, to depict this are shown in the way the characters relate with each other, and the way they act when they are together. The love that these characters have for each other forms the main argument of the plot. Such shows are developed with the hope that viewers will get to find a common view in the show. These shows win awards because people agree that they have changed their lives significantly and that they support the view that the show presents. Yes, I do believe that my views on the two shows are true among many. The two shows have unique plots in, which the aims and objectives of the film are clear, and these views are the easily identified. It is from these shows that some people have understood the value of relationships. This shows that the two shows were developed to help the society in some way. They have also helped some parents in managing their teenage children. These shows teach people crucial lessons in life. However, one has to be highly attentive so as not to miss these teachings. The shows also teach people how to manage their relationships and social lives. They show the consequences that can develop because of relationship neglecting, or other factors and matters that affect relationships between two or more people. They make us think of and value the relationships that we have formed with people who around us. First, people are drawn to the shows because of they are hilarious contents. The two shows offer unending laughter during the few minutes that they run. Some people watch the two shows in the evening to get rid of stress that they had from work. Others watch the shows to see how the plot will develop. This is

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration Essay

Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public Administration - Essay Example Public interest can be defined as the general wellbeing of the public. This is where the whole society, and not just selfish individuals, matter. They, therefore, warrant protection, promotion and recognition from the government. It is their job as people in higher positions of power to ensure that everyone gets treated right and just with accordance to the law (Nichols, 2010). Public administrators are, therefore, bound to these roles by certain ethical rules. As they make decisions, they have to take into account the rules that bind them to ensure they serve the people well. This paper will review some of the responsibilities and obligations that bind public administrators. Also, the dilemmas they usually face when politics is involved in the running of the business. Administrative responsibility lies with the fact that leaders are supposed to serve the people on a lower level. The problems that arise when they are in charge are often seen with the way they handle their business. Some ethical problems that they face arise mostly from morality. Many public administrators are mostly consumed by sex scandals (Kumar, 2005). These issues create a very bad image for the people that surround them, especially their family. Most people voted into office are chosen based on their family standings and values. A family man is likely to be chosen into office than a person who does not have a family. The public would like to be involved in the running of their daily business.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Loss of women's rights in Egypt in the current time Research Paper

Loss of women's rights in Egypt in the current time - Research Paper Example Earlier women in the country had certain major rights within their society. Some of these were certainly equal to that of the men particularly with respect to education, marriage and economic status like earnings. In fact, this was quite unlike the situation in other countries where women did not receive so many rights equal to the men in the society (Tyldesley, n.d.). In countries like Egypt, as has been considered for the particular study, the status of women is considered as a measure and level of modernity. This leads to the development of policy measures and other practices within the society. Thus gender has always played a significant role in the Muslim societies of such countries (Sali, 2010). In the present times, the women in Egypt have to deal with the changes in the social institutions prevailing in the country that have initiated in the country post modernity (Lewis and Micklewright, 2006). However, in spite of women gaining rights in the country in the earlier times, ye t reports in the present times reflect that women are losing their rights as against the men in the country and are being tried to be dominated by the males in the society. Part I: Women’s Rights in Egypt: Place of women in Egypt in the last 100 years: Beginning of 20th Century: Considering the last 100 years, the Egyptian women could never be seen or heard. However through the recent revolutions, women proved this wrong by presenting themselves and their struggles in front of the public thus altering the conditions of the women in the society. With the revolution during the Mubarak regime, the women participated more in different activities within the society along with performing their roles in their families (Jones, 2012). Before modernism, although the women were not equal with the men, still they had certain rights for themselves. Such rights were associated with the marriages, finances, courts, and divorces that were much higher in comparison with several other civiliza tions across the world (Deif, 2004). With the mass uprising on the streets of Egypt during the Mubarak regime, the women in the country struggled and tried to gain rights in different fields thus trying to obtain equality with the men in the country. As far as the position of women in Egypt is concerned, it was found to be unique since such rights, as mentioned above, were not prevalent in the other civilizations in the ancient times. The legal and economic rights that they enjoyed were similar to that of the men in their country, although such rights were mostly associated with their status in the society, the link of which could not be determined though (Otto, 2010). Their position in the society depended on their social rank irrespective of the gender of the individual. However on one hand, while moving from one social rank to the other, women could move along with their husbands; on the other hand, it was possible that a man could divorce his wife and marry someone else who coul d then get that rank that her husband held in the society. In spite of these differences and status of the women, still in the ancient time in Egypt, self-made women could be found (Picone, 2012). Egypt has certainly been one of the countries that provided the women with certain rights. This is evident from the following rights that the women experienced in the country of Egypt. The women in Egypt had certain rights for their academic achievements. Education was seen by the public as extremely important for women that can lead to

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Need for Wireless Standards and Protocols Assignment - 1

The Need for Wireless Standards and Protocols - Assignment Example American National Standards Organization is based in the USA and is involved in creation of various standards for products, services, processes, systems and personnel in the United States. ANSI-41 that is sometimes knows as the IS-41 was developed by ANSI to support interoperability and inter-networking between GSM and ANSI-41 MAP based networks to support subscriber roaming between different networks (Russell 2006). Even though this standard supports cross-technology roaming between a GPRS networks and ANSI-41 based networks. GPRS may be coupled with a GSM network and this requires enhancement to interoperability and internetworking Function that supports multi-mode mobile station and subscriber Identity Module (SIM) that has GPRS functionalities. Despite this, there is still need for advancements in the encryption of data to increase security of data transmission. This will increase its reliability and the quality of service of this protocol (Ceruzzi 2003). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE is an international standardization organization that is involved with development of protocols and standards in various fields of electrical, electronics, communications, and computer engineering and computer science. In wireless communications, IEEE has been involved in creation of the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network standard (Ceruzzi 2003). Breadth of Standards IEEE developed the first IEEE 802.11 standard in 1997, which was to provide the basis of using Wi-Fi.

Factors that effect college learning Research Paper

Factors that effect college learning - Research Paper Example This paper attempts to explore all these factors with the help of credible research and then relate the ideas unfolded by research to the process of learning initiated by joining colleges. It should be understood how the negative practice of seeing students as customers only and not knowledge seekers by many college administrators is responsible for decline in college learning and how very demanding parents or students who have their interests based on vocational training alone also interfere with the true spirit of learning process. Understanding the role played by different factors is important as even â€Å"high-achieving students seem less able to grapple with issues that require them to think across disciplines or reflect on difficult questions about what matters and why† (Wilson). The colleges should guarantee such education that students could enlighten the world later on with their charismatic leadership and high moral behavior. â€Å"Students and others pay us lots of money, and we should try treat them respectfully, efficiently, and in a way that satisfies them† (Levine). This practice of seeing students only as customers who could be manipulated and used for the benefit of the administrators by asking them to make big commitments in terms of money on part of the colleges and the practice of viewing colleges solely as vocational training providers on part of students and parents should be abandoned as both these features collectively form a very negative influencer of good learning. Students turn to business schools so that they could be treated there as future business leaders and those schools â€Å"should not, in the words of one of my colleagues, plop students down as pre-M.B.A. goo and then orchestrate an experience from which good customer f eedback is sought† (Snyder, cited in THE EDITORS). It is a deplorable reality and a matter of great concern that the type of undergraduate

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Comparative Religions Essay Example for Free

Comparative Religions Essay Judaism began in Israel, 2000 BCE. Christianity began in the middle east it began about 2000 years ago. Christianity is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. Judaism is the monotheistic religion of the Jews, based on the laws revealed to Moses and recorded in the Torah. Christianity and Judaism are similar and different in many ways, Both Religions believe in Jesus, they have a lot different beliefs, Both religions have Bibles, Christians has the bible, Jews have The Torah. Both religions believe in Jesus. Both religions believed in him but the Christians believed he would come back and that he was very special, Jews did not think all the same as the Christians. Jews do not believe that Jesus was divine, the Son of God, or the Messiah prophesied in Jewish scriptures. He is seen as a false messiah, someone who claimed the mantle of the Messiah but who ultimately did not meet the requirements laid out in Jewish beliefs. Christians believe that Jesus will come back to Earth to save/protect them. Religions have their agreements and their disagreements. The religions have a lot of different beliefs. They have lists and lists of different beliefs of Christians and Jews. Some of those beliefs are, Judaism says that no human can ever die or atone for the sins of others and sins can only be atoned for by animal sacrifice or prayer and restitution. Whereas Christianity says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. Judaism says that all humans are born pure, and innocent. Christians say that all humans are born with original sin. Jews say that no man gets a second coming and the Messiah will not need one. Christians say that Jesus will have a second coming. These are only a few of the many different beliefs. Comparisons of the two religions are they both have books basically â€Å"Bibles†, but there not both called bibles. For Christians it is a Bible for Judaism it is a Torah. They both hold basically the same things, Their beliefs. Now the information in the books are not completely the same. Because of the different beliefs. But the books are used for the same reason so people who follow the religion can worship their religion. Christianity and Judaism are very close religions but yet very different. They are the same because, Both Religions believe in Jesus, Both religions have Bibles, Christians has the bible, Jews have The Torah. They are also very different because they have a lot of different beliefs.